Scene Resources

Components required to construct a 3D scene with views of Element


Doc links: _BaseCamera _BaseElementOptions _BaseElementView _BaseOptions _BaseSceneComponent BlockModel CameraStandard HasProperties Light Lines OptionsBlockModel OptionsLines OptionsPoints OptionsSurface OptionsTubes OptionsVolumeSlices Plot PointSet Ruler Scene Slice SliceGroup Surface SurfaceGrid Tubes VolumeSlices

class lfview.resources.scene.scene._BaseSceneComponent(**kwargs)

Base class for the Scene and all objects within a scene

Optional Properties:

  • uid (String): Locally unique ID from client, a unicode string
class lfview.resources.scene.scene.Light(**kwargs)

Light source for a scene

Required Properties:

  • brightness (Float): Intensity of light source, a float
  • direction (Vector3): Vector pointing from plot center to light, a 3D Vector of <class ‘float’> with shape (3)
  • enabled (Boolean): Whether light is on or off, a boolean

Optional Properties:

  • uid (String): Locally unique ID from client, a unicode string
class lfview.resources.scene.scene.Slice(**kwargs)

Position and color information for a slice in the Scene

Required Properties:

  • color_a (Color): Color of first slice, a color, Default: [0, 120, 255]
  • mode (StringChoice): Slice mode, any of “inactive” (Slice is currently disabled), “normal” (Standard single slice slicing mode), “reversed” (Single slice with swapped normal), “section” (Mode with two parallel sliceplanes), Default: inactive
  • normal (Vector3): Normal vector to the slice plane, a 3D Vector of <class ‘float’> with shape (3), Default: new instance of list
  • position_a (Vector3): Position of first plane, a 3D Vector of <class ‘float’> with shape (3), Default: new instance of list

Optional Properties:

  • color_b (Color): Color of second slice; only required in section mode, a color, Default: [253, 102, 0]
  • position_b (Vector3): Position of second plane; only required in section mode, a 3D Vector of <class ‘float’> with shape (3), Default: [0, 0, 0]
  • uid (String): Locally unique ID from client, a unicode string
class lfview.resources.scene.scene.SliceGroup(**kwargs)

Class describing a group of slices

These slice the same views in the same style (union vs intersection)

Required Properties:

  • slices (a list of Slice): Slices in this group; only one is currently supported, a list (each item is an instance of Slice) with length of 1, Default: new instance of list
  • style (StringChoice): How slices in this group are combined, either “union” or “intersection”, Default: intersection

Optional Properties:

  • uid (String): Locally unique ID from client, a unicode string
class lfview.resources.scene.scene.Ruler(**kwargs)

Ruler class

Contains the path of the ruler as well as info about the objects it is measuring to and from

Required Properties:

  • objects (a list of _BaseElement instance or UID): URL pointers of objects we are measuring from/to, a list (each item is an instance of _BaseElement or a valid uid property of that class) with length of 2
  • positions (a list of Vector3): Endpoints of the ruler, a list (each item is a 3D Vector of <class ‘float’> with shape (3)) with length of 2

Optional Properties:

  • uid (String): Locally unique ID from client, a unicode string
class lfview.resources.scene.scene._BaseCamera(**kwargs)

Base Camera class from which all cameras must inherit

Optional Properties:

  • uid (String): Locally unique ID from client, a unicode string
class lfview.resources.scene.scene.CameraStandard(**kwargs)

Base class for Standard Cameras

Both orthographic and perspective cameras are built on this

Required Properties:

  • mode (StringChoice): View mode of camera, either “perspective” or “orthographic”, Default: orthographic
  • radius (Float): Distance of camera to target, a float, Default: 5.0
  • rotation (a list of Float): Quaternion rotation of the camera relative to the scene, a list (each item is a float) with length of 4, Default: new instance of list
  • target (Vector3): Center of rotation of camera relative to the scene origin, a 3D Vector of <class ‘float’> with shape (3), Default: new instance of list
  • up_direction (Vector3): Up direction of camera, a 3D Vector of <class ‘float’> with shape (3), Default: up
  • zoom (Float): Zoom level of camera, a float, Default: 1.0

Optional Properties:

  • uid (String): Locally unique ID from client, a unicode string
class lfview.resources.scene.scene._BaseElementView(**kwargs)

Base View class for all views to inherit from

Contains basic meta properties (color, opacity, visible) and supports data mapping to the opacity and color attributes

Required Properties:

  • element (_BaseElement instance or UID): URL pointer of element associated with this view, an instance of _BaseElement or a valid uid property of that class

Optional Properties:

  • slice_group (String): Local SliceGroup UID from the plot which slices this view, a unicode string, Default: slice_group
  • uid (String): Locally unique ID from client, a unicode string
class lfview.resources.scene.scene.PointSet(**kwargs)

PointSetView class, used by PointSet Element

Supports data mapping to the point size attribute

Required Properties:

  • color (OptionsColor): Default color options on the element, an instance of OptionsColor, Default: new instance of OptionsColor
  • element (ElementPointSet instance or UID): URL pointer of element associated with this view, an instance of ElementPointSet or a valid uid property of that class
  • opacity (OptionsOpacity): Default opacity options on the element, an instance of OptionsOpacity, Default: new instance of OptionsOpacity
  • visible (Boolean): Visibility of resource on/off, a boolean, Default: True

Optional Properties:

  • slice_group (String): Local SliceGroup UID from the plot which slices this view, a unicode string, Default: slice_group
  • uid (String): Locally unique ID from client, a unicode string
class lfview.resources.scene.scene.Lines(**kwargs)

LineSetView class, used by LineSet Element

Required Properties:

  • color (OptionsColor): Default color options on the element, an instance of OptionsColor, Default: new instance of OptionsColor
  • element (ElementLineSet instance or UID): URL pointer of element associated with this view, an instance of ElementLineSet or a valid uid property of that class
  • opacity (OptionsOpacity): Default opacity options on the element, an instance of OptionsOpacity, Default: new instance of OptionsOpacity
  • visible (Boolean): Visibility of resource on/off, a boolean, Default: True

Optional Properties:

  • slice_group (String): Local SliceGroup UID from the plot which slices this view, a unicode string, Default: slice_group
  • uid (String): Locally unique ID from client, a unicode string
class lfview.resources.scene.scene.Tubes(**kwargs)

TubesView class, used by LineSet Element

Supports data mapping to the radius attribute

Required Properties:

  • color (OptionsColor): Default color options on the element, an instance of OptionsColor, Default: new instance of OptionsColor
  • element (ElementLineSet instance or UID): URL pointer of element associated with this view, an instance of ElementLineSet or a valid uid property of that class
  • opacity (OptionsOpacity): Default opacity options on the element, an instance of OptionsOpacity, Default: new instance of OptionsOpacity
  • radius (OptionsSize): Default opacity options on the element, an instance of OptionsSize, Default: new instance of OptionsSize
  • visible (Boolean): Visibility of resource on/off, a boolean, Default: True

Optional Properties:

  • slice_group (String): Local SliceGroup UID from the plot which slices this view, a unicode string, Default: slice_group
  • uid (String): Locally unique ID from client, a unicode string
class lfview.resources.scene.scene.Surface(**kwargs)

SurfaceView class, used by SurfaceElement

Required Properties:

  • color (OptionsSurfaceColor): Default color options on the element, an instance of OptionsSurfaceColor, Default: new instance of OptionsSurfaceColor
  • element (ElementSurface instance or UID): URL pointer of element associated with this view, an instance of ElementSurface or a valid uid property of that class
  • opacity (OptionsOpacity): Default opacity options on the element, an instance of OptionsOpacity, Default: new instance of OptionsOpacity
  • textures (a list of OptionsTexture): Default textures on the element, a list (each item is an instance of OptionsTexture)
  • visible (Boolean): Visibility of resource on/off, a boolean, Default: True
  • wireframe (OptionsWireframe): Default wireframe options on the element, an instance of OptionsWireframe, Default: new instance of OptionsWireframe

Optional Properties:

  • slice_group (String): Local SliceGroup UID from the plot which slices this view, a unicode string, Default: slice_group
  • uid (String): Locally unique ID from client, a unicode string
class lfview.resources.scene.scene.SurfaceGrid(**kwargs)

SurfaceGridView class, used by element with SurfaceGrid geometry

Required Properties:

  • color (OptionsSurfaceColor): Default color options on the element, an instance of OptionsSurfaceColor, Default: new instance of OptionsSurfaceColor
  • element (ElementSurfaceGrid instance or UID): URL pointer of element associated with this view, an instance of ElementSurfaceGrid or a valid uid property of that class
  • opacity (OptionsOpacity): Default opacity options on the element, an instance of OptionsOpacity, Default: new instance of OptionsOpacity
  • textures (a list of OptionsTexture): Default textures on the element, a list (each item is an instance of OptionsTexture)
  • visible (Boolean): Visibility of resource on/off, a boolean, Default: True
  • wireframe (OptionsWireframe): Default wireframe options on the element, an instance of OptionsWireframe, Default: new instance of OptionsWireframe

Optional Properties:

  • slice_group (String): Local SliceGroup UID from the plot which slices this view, a unicode string, Default: slice_group
  • uid (String): Locally unique ID from client, a unicode string
class lfview.resources.scene.scene.BlockModel(**kwargs)

BlockModelView class, used by Volume Element

Required Properties:

  • color (OptionsColor): Default color options on the element, an instance of OptionsColor, Default: new instance of OptionsColor
  • element (ElementVolumeGrid instance or UID): URL pointer of element associated with this view, an instance of ElementVolumeGrid or a valid uid property of that class
  • opacity (OptionsOpacity): Default opacity options on the element, an instance of OptionsOpacity, Default: new instance of OptionsOpacity
  • visible (Boolean): Visibility of resource on/off, a boolean, Default: True
  • wireframe (OptionsWireframe): Default wireframe options on the element, an instance of OptionsWireframe, Default: new instance of OptionsWireframe

Optional Properties:

  • slice_group (String): Local SliceGroup UID from the plot which slices this view, a unicode string, Default: slice_group
  • uid (String): Locally unique ID from client, a unicode string
class lfview.resources.scene.scene.VolumeSlices(**kwargs)

VolumeSlicesView class, used by Volume Element

Required Properties:

  • color (OptionsColor): Default color options on the element, an instance of OptionsColor, Default: new instance of OptionsColor
  • element (ElementVolumeGrid instance or UID): URL pointer of element associated with this view, an instance of ElementVolumeGrid or a valid uid property of that class
  • opacity (OptionsOpacity): Default opacity options on the element, an instance of OptionsOpacity, Default: new instance of OptionsOpacity
  • slices_u (a list of Float): List of active slice locations along u axis, a list (each item is a float in range [0.0, 1.0]) with length between 0 and 256, Default: new instance of list
  • slices_v (a list of Float): List of active slice locations along v axis, a list (each item is a float in range [0.0, 1.0]) with length between 0 and 256, Default: new instance of list
  • slices_w (a list of Float): List of active slice locations along w axis, a list (each item is a float in range [0.0, 1.0]) with length between 0 and 256, Default: new instance of list
  • visible (Boolean): Visibility of resource on/off, a boolean, Default: True
  • wireframe (OptionsWireframe): Default wireframe options on the element, an instance of OptionsWireframe, Default: new instance of OptionsWireframe

Optional Properties:

  • slice_group (String): Local SliceGroup UID from the plot which slices this view, a unicode string, Default: slice_group
  • uid (String): Locally unique ID from client, a unicode string
class lfview.resources.scene.scene.Plot(**kwargs)

Object describing the contents of the 3D scene

Contains info about how a plot is positioned in the scene, as well as the plot limits. Also contains active elements, slices, and measurements in the plot.

Required Properties:

  • exaggeration (a list of Integer): x,y,z exaggeration of the plot coordinates, a list (each item is an integer in range [1, inf]), Default: new instance of list
  • lims (a list of Vector2): x,y,z limits, defined in plot coordinates, a list (each item is a 2D Vector of <class ‘float’> with shape (2)) with length of 3, Default: new instance of list
  • measurements (a list of Ruler): List of active ruler instances; currently only one is supported, a list (each item is an instance of Ruler) with length between 0 and 1
  • position (Vector3): x,y,z position of the plot center relative to scene origin, a 3D Vector of <class ‘float’> with shape (3), Default: new instance of list
  • rotation (a list of Float): Quaternion rotation of plot axes relative to scene axes, a list (each item is a float) with length of 4, Default: new instance of list
  • scale (Vector3): x,y,z scale of the plot coordinate system relative to scene coordinate system, a 3D Vector of <class ‘float’> with shape (3), Default: new instance of list
  • slice_groups (a list of SliceGroup): Active slice groups; currently only one is supported, a list (each item is an instance of SliceGroup) with length between 0 and 1, Default: new instance of list
  • views (a list of PointSet, a list of Lines, a list of Tubes, a list of Surface, a list of SurfaceGrid, a list of BlockModel, a list of VolumeSlices): List of element views in the plot, a list (each item is an instance of PointSet or an instance of Lines or an instance of Tubes or an instance of Surface or an instance of SurfaceGrid or an instance of BlockModel or an instance of VolumeSlices) with length between 0 and 100

Optional Properties:

  • uid (String): Locally unique ID from client, a unicode string
class lfview.resources.scene.scene.Scene(**kwargs)

State of the 3D scene

Includes camera, lighting, and plot info

Required Properties:

  • camera (CameraStandard): Scene camera, an instance of CameraStandard, Default: new instance of CameraStandard
  • lights (a list of Light): Active lights, a list (each item is an instance of Light) with length between 0 and 4
  • plots (a list of Plot): Plots in the scene; currently only one is supported, a list (each item is an instance of Plot) with length between 0 and 1, Default: new instance of list

Optional Properties:

  • uid (String): Locally unique ID from client, a unicode string